What is The Region Economist?
The “Region Economist” is a newsletter (blog? outlet?) where I share economic data and analysis, primarily about Northwest Indiana (“The Region”).
Who are you?
I’m an Associate Professor of Economics at Indiana University Northwest in the the School of Business and Economics and have a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I do research on the area of regional economics, financial economics, the scholarship of teaching & learning, as well as topics in applied microeconomics such as health economics. I am very passionate about both teaching and service to the local community. I regularly provide expertise on economic issues for Northwest Indiana, the State and beyond. Since 2012 I've appeared hundreds of times in international, national, state and regional media as well as spoken to community organizations.
You can find additional information at micahpollak.com
Sure, but what do you really know about the Region?
I have the approval of Region Rat Rants and that’s really what matters most:
Why should I subscribe to The Region Economist?
Subscribing grants full access to this newsletter and website. Best of all, it’s completely FREE!